The Excitement Around Kamala Harris is Real and Not a Creation of the Media

By Thomas Anderson Aug 13, 2024

In the landscape of American politics, where the air often feels thick with cynicism, a fresh breeze of optimism has swept through the nation, carrying with it the name Kamala Harris. Contrary to the claims of conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro, who dismiss her surge in popularity as a product of media bias, Harris’s rise is as authentic as it is significant. Shapiro’s assertion that the media is giving Harris special treatment rings hollow—his critique seems more like a desperate attempt to undermine a candidate whose qualifications outshine her competitors.

The excitement surrounding Harris isn’t just a fleeting moment in the public’s consciousness; it’s a reflection of the deep yearning for competent and visionary leadership. The recent bump in the polls for the Vice President is not a fluke. It’s one of the most tangible political phenomena in recent memory, a testament to the nation’s desire for change.

So, how did we get here?

The nation has been in a state of malaise, burdened by issues and crises that seem as old as the republic itself. From generational challenges like climate change to inflation and corruption, inequality, and a world at war due to geopolitical tensions, Americans have been looking to their leaders for solutions—and finding them wanting. The fact that the country’s political future seemed to rest in the hands of two elderly men, both entrenched in their ways, only deepened the despair. These men—President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump—seemed more interested in maintaining the status quo and obstructing each other’s progress than in offering fresh solutions.

When Biden, dogged by questions of age and vigor, decided to step aside, it felt like a collective sigh of relief echoed across the nation. The air of pessimism that had settled over the political landscape began to lift. In its place, a renewed sense of possibility emerged, embodied by Kamala Harris, who has been riding the wave of this newfound optimism.

People like Ben Shapiro have built careers on stoking fear and division. They thrive on getting the general public upset and angry, sowing discord for clicks and views. Shapiro, in particular, seems unable to recognize a positive campaign when he sees one—a campaign that is not only intelligent but also inclusive. Harris’s approach has been a masterclass in addition, not subtraction. She is running a campaign that is smart, strategic, and, perhaps most importantly, grounded in humility—an attribute sorely lacking in American politics for far too long.

This humility isn’t a sign of weakness; rather, it’s a reflection of Harris’s understanding that leadership is about service, not self-aggrandizement. It’s about listening to the concerns of the people and crafting policies that address their needs. Harris’s focus on issues like immigration reform, gun control, abortion, and the protection of Social Security and Medicare resonates with voters who feel left behind by the political establishment.

As for what lies ahead? An epic collapse of the GOP seems almost inevitable. The Republican Party, which has increasingly become a bastion of obstruction and regression, is likely to find itself on the wrong side of history as the electorate gravitates towards a candidate who offers hope instead of fear. Should Harris emerge victorious, she will do so with a mandate to enact meaningful change across a range of issues, from the Affordable Care Act to abortion rights. Her election would mark the beginning of a new era in American politics—one she hopes will be defined by progress, compassion, and a renewed commitment to the common good.

In the end, the excitement around Kamala Harris isn’t some artificial creation of the media; it’s a real, palpable energy that is reshaping the political landscape. And as the nation watches her campaign unfold, it becomes increasingly clear that the joy train she’s riding is headed straight for the White House.

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