New Court Filing: Senator Menendez was Helping Egypt “Eradicate the Muslim Brotherhood” when Accepting Gold Bars

By Thomas Anderson May 6, 2024
Senator Menendez Co-Defendant Wael Hana

According to the latest filings out of the Southern District of New York Senator Bob Menendez, AKA Gold Bar Bob, is attempting to prove his innocence by having expert testimony from a Washington DC Think-Tank saying Menendez and his co-defendants were assisting Egypt in eradicating the Muslim Brotherhood and all of their businesses at the time they set up IS EG Halal. According to the latest filings in the Southern District of New York:

This could explain why the Egyptian government gave the Menendez-backed IS EG Halal a monopoly on all Halal meat certifications internationally, while- as the US government claims- taking bribes in gold and cash payments from co-defendants Wael Hana, and Fred Daibes.

The strategy from Menendez is to claim he was fighting Muslim terrorists in Egypt and didn’t know his wife was taking gold bars and cash in exchange for his terror-fighting work. According to these latest filings, he’s going to claim he has PTSD or a similar mental illness due to the Castro regime in Cuba confiscating his family’s property during the revolution which caused him to hoard money in his closet over 50 years later. According to the latest filings, undiagnosed PTSD led to all of the shenanigans laid out in the indictment against him for bribery, and acting as an unregistered foreign agent while serving as a United States Senator as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

While the Menendez legal team has done their best to represent him the facts do not support this potential defense. The first and most obvious of the factless Menendez claims is his family history, which has nothing to do with Fidel Castro or the confiscation of property. Senator Menendez was born on January 1, 1954 in New York City. His family arrived in New York from Puerto Rico as they lived in Puerto Rico for a time after leaving Cuba. His father was a poor carpenter and his mother was barely educated and already had two children before Senator Menendez was born.

Senator Menendez was not only born to a poor family that had very little wealth, they left Cuba long before Fidel Castro took power. This is going to clearly be a hard mountain to climb proving he had PTSD from events that never occurred to a poor family that was lucky to be in America, not the other way around.

Now that it appears the Senator is going to admit he was doing things as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee to assist the Egyptian government in eradicating the Muslim Brotherhood his story of PTSD is going to need an upgrade over what he has said in the past for it to be half believable. Maybe Senator Menendez and his family came here under different motives and purposes from Cuba? Old records reveal a lot, like his mother potentially having a social security card in 1952, two years before Gold Bar Bob was born. There are also flight records showing a woman who could potentially be his mother traveling with Benjamin Menendez several times from Havana to the United States in the years leading up to his birth year of 1954.

Does the Senator know his own family history, or is he just as confused as many people who came to the United States back then at a young age through a Catholic Church program called Operation Pedro Pan? These are the interesting stories being unearthed as the Senator’s case starts to begin in a few weeks.

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