Menendez Lawyers: That Cash, Gold Was a Trauma Response

Robert and Nadine Menendez

The latest in the Gold Bar Bob saga has the Senator attempting to have a psychiatrist testify that an untreated mental illness from trauma experienced 50 years ago led to his need to hoard cash and other valuables in the coat pockets of his closet. I continue to find it interesting Senator Menendez claims his family’s belongings were confiscated by Cuban authorities when the Senator was born in America years before Fidel Castro’s confiscatory regime. In fact, Senator Menendez’s parents and siblings lived in Puerto Rico for some time after leaving Cuba but before arriving here with his eventual birth in 1954.

According to a court filing in the Southern District of New York prosecutors argued his expert testimony wasn’t backed by anything other than the Senator’s recollection and opinion, in other words hearsay.

This is the same expert, Dr. Rosembaum, who testified a few years ago on behalf of a nanny who murdered two children in her care because the, “devil told her“. The nanny was found guilty in that case, and Dr. Rosenbaum’s testimony became a cause celebre with much media coverage of that high-profile case.

More from The Hill:

Attorneys for Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) argued in a filing revealed Wednesday that the large trove of cash and gold discovered by law enforcement in a raid on his home isn’t from corrupt deals, but instead a result of generational trauma and a habit to hoard reserves.

Menendez, his wife and two business partners were charged last year in a sweeping corruption case, alleging the senator sold influence and received hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, gold and gifts in return.

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